Nexomon extinction update 2021
Nexomon extinction update 2021

A few Synergy Cores have been added via chests earlygame to familiarize new players with this new item that’s apparently highly requested.She will let you relearn any unlocked skills for a fixed coin fee. Added a Skill Master NPC at various locations.Rolled back to the original skill learning system (not cyclic anymore).The “trigger” for tier-3 monsters has been moved from Saving Ignitia to completing the Drake Isles chapter.The “trigger” for tier-2 monsters has been moved from the Hostages mission to Saving Ignitia.Status effects should now be cleared when a Nexomon faints.Synergy Cores are crafted in Bonnie’s lab. All of the new items can be found in chests.Therefore the new best possible cosmic chance is 1/1607 if you are lategame, own every monster and own all five charms. For each charm, the cosmic odds improve by 50 points. For each charm, the party is restored by +3% Stamina per battle won. For each charm, the party is restored by +3% HP per battle won. Added Mining Goggles item, which lowers the shard respawn timer to 10-15 min (from 15-20 min).Added Ultra Pickaxe item, which can yield 1-3 shards.Note that this is unrelated to the sprinting function, which you can already do. Having it in your inventory will guarantee fleeing from battles. They will copy a % of the EXP received by the other team members. However, tamers may continue using evolved forms early on, as it was deemed acceptable and beneficial for the game’s difficulty. So we’ve moved the “tier-2” trigger to saving Ignitia, and the “tier-3” to the completion of the Drake Isles chapter. The “tier-2” monsters were showing up as soon as you finished the Hostages mission, and the “tier-3” right after saving Ignitia. The other relatively large change is the fact that we moved the points in the story in which evolved monsters start appearing. Fortunately we also added new items such as the Ultra Pickaxe and Mining Goggles which will boost you in that regard. But crafting them is not easy, and you’ll need plenty of shards of every type.

nexomon extinction update 2021

What’s more, if the other members are using EXP Cores, the Synergy Core will actually include that in its equation! A few of these cores have been placed in chests near the orphanage to help new players familiarize themselves with this highly requested item. Equipping them to a Nexomon will let them copy a % of the EXP earned by all other team members without having to fight. Synergy Cores These new and expensive cores act similarly to EXP Shares. You can check the changes below, but we also wanted to talk about one important update to your gameplay experience: These few days we’ve focused on bringing in lots of quality-of-life improvements and a bunch of new avatars. Hello tamers! A lot has changed since the previous post. It takes a while for the background loading to complete so the list may still be a bit laggy if you recently booted the game.

  • Desktop & PS4: Monster models are partially loaded in the background for smoother scrolling in the Database.
  • Unfortunately shard boulders broken as of 1.05 were not recorded.
  • Fixed an issue with the Anger Management achievement, which was only counting Healing Crystals but not regular shard boulders.
  • Fixed an issue stopping the player from freezing the western lake from the Laterian prison until later in the story.
  • Telepathy description changed to reflect the flat +20 boost rather than +20%.
  • Tackle increased to 50 ATK (from 30) and decreased speed to 60 (from 74).
  • Recover now lasts 4-6 turns (from 3-5).
  • Psy Bomb decreased to 70 ATK (from 90), and cost increased to 10 (from 5).
  • Telepathy boost decreased to 20% flat +20 (from 30%), and stack limit decreased to 4 (from 5).
  • Rock Wall cost decreased to 25 (from 35), and speed increased to 55 (from 15).
  • X-Slash increased to 40 ATK (from 15), chance of effect increased to 35% (from 20%), and duration changed to 2-3 (from 1-3).
  • nexomon extinction update 2021

    Nexomon extinction update 2021 Patch#

    Here’s the next set of updates/fixes for Nexomon Extinction.This patch is already live on Steam (Windows).It’s pending for Steam (macOS), and has been submitted for approval on the XBox One and PS4.

    Nexomon extinction update 2021