Xcom 2 war of the chosen spark
Xcom 2 war of the chosen spark

xcom 2 war of the chosen spark

SPARKs and MEC Troopers can use System Infiltration with and without BIT/GREMLIN, as well as carry the Hacker’s Laptop in the Auxiliary Weapon slot.The role of showing up in random missions to ruin your day is now occupied by The Chosen, a trio of blue-skinned, white-haired alien siblings created by the Elders. System Infiltration – fully supported.

xcom 2 war of the chosen spark

  • WotC Ballistic Shields – enables SPARKs to use Ballistic Shields as secondary weapons.
  • You can also subscribe to Immolator Overhaul so that Mitzruti’s Immolators look like mini-Incinerators.

    xcom 2 war of the chosen spark

    Immolator + Chemthrower Abilities – adds Canisters that work with SPARK Incinerators when carried in the Auxiliary Weapon Slot, and weapon upgrades for Incinerators themselves.Iridar’s Scatter Mod – adds scatter to grenades and rockets and HE/HESH Heavy Cannon shots.SPARK Launchers Redux – can be carried in the Auxiliary Weapon Slot.All rockets are supported, including the Tactical Elerium Nuke. SPARKs do not suffer movement penalties for carrying rockets. This mod enables SPARKs to carry, Take, Arm and Give rockets, as well as Fire them with the Ordnance Launcher. Rocket Launchers 2.0 – fully supported.Weapon Fixes – fixes Incinerators attack visualization.Iridar’s Template Master – Core – adds icons for Incinerators’ weapon upgrades that are available only if you also use Immolator Overhaul mod.Iridar’s Weapon Skin Replacer – removes unwanted "primary" versions of some of the items added by this mod.Shredder Gun, Shredstorm Cannon and Plasma Blaster heavy weapons now properly knockback enemies on kills.SPARK Arsenal currently does not add any abilities that use these animations, but it allows existing third party abilities, such as Shield Wall, to visualize properly. SPARKs and MEC Troopers now have Hunker Down and Deflect animations.SPARKs and MEC Troopers can now Hack objectives without having a BIT equipped and gain +30 Hack at squaddie.SPARKs and MEC Troopers no longer have a dedicated Heavy Weapon slot by default, but they can still equip them on a BIT, or in the Auxiliary Weapon slot, if you complete the required Proving Grounds project.Having a BIT or GREMLIN equipped will grant the Active Camo passive ability, which will reduce the detection radius to be the same as for regular soldiers. SPARKs and MEC Troopers have their detection radius increased by 50%, making it much harder for them to stay concealed.Entrench Protocol will extend the duration of Aid Protocol used on self as long as the unit doesn’t move, but the cooldown is extended as well.SPARKs / MEC Troopers equipped with a BIT or GREMLIN will gain Aid Protocol, Active Camo (see below) and Entrench Protocol.Control over the heavy weapon in that slot is temporarily transferred to the target allied soldier when you use Aid Protocol on them.

    xcom 2 war of the chosen spark

    BITs no longer grant a generic Heavy Weapon slot, and instead add a BIT Heavy Weapon slot.BITs can be used with all vanilla Protocol abilities, including remote hacking, but they are weaker in that role than GREMLINs.SPARKs, MEC Troopers, Specialists and other similar classes can now use both BITs and GREMLINs as secondary weapons.Speed Loader – reload for free when performing a dash.Experimental Magazine – grants an Ammo Slot.Special Shells for Heavy Cannons (3 variants, each has 2 tiers).New Inventory Slot for SPARKs and MEC Troopers: Auxiliary Weapon New Secondary Weapons for SPARKs and MEC Troopers: New Primary Weapons for SPARKs and MEC Troopers: > CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL LIST OF NEW FEATURES <<< Adds new weapons, tools and gameplay mechanics for SPARKs, MEC Troopers and regular soldiers.

    Xcom 2 war of the chosen spark